Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay Topic: How to Evaluate Your Essay Topic for Communication Between Cultures

Essay Topic: How to Evaluate Your Essay Topic for Communication Between CulturesWriting an essay is all about building upon each other's ideas and opinions. Many readers of a good essay cannot tell the writer's point of view or belief but may be able to determine what information is contained in the essay from the style, structure, and language. Although the essay must pass muster with your readers, it can be designed to make certain that the essay you submit appears to come from the viewpoint of the writer's 'own culture'.There are several ways to evaluate the essay topic for the culture you are writing about. First of all, think about where you are and who you know. As you think about these people, who they are, and how they have changed over the years, you should ask yourself how the opinions, thoughts, and feelings they express would have changed by reading your essay. Once you have found these out, you will be able to better design the essay in accordance with the culture.You sh ould also consider the language and the structure of the essay topic. For example, in my case, I asked myself whether the traditional Teotihuacan structure was lost on me after reading the essay. I decided that it was. Therefore, I found my essay to have a broken down structure, which was unlikely to make it easy for readers to follow.The essay topic should also be flexible enough to allow your essay to respond to future changes in the cultural context. Do not let the essay is rigid. It should allow the writer to adapt as he or she gets further into the process. This also helps in developing the rapport that you need with your readers.We are surrounded by cultures. By reading your essay, I learned that I am from Africa, but my parents are from Russia. As a result, the essay was not as culturally specific as I would have liked. I wanted to be able to get across that I came from a unique perspective, which made it necessary to make changes to the essay topic.A second way to evaluate t he essay topic is to see if your essay matches the readers' needs. For example, if the readers want to write about a specific region of their own culture, you should start by coming up with a question that will help them to explain their thoughts. Then, using this information to develop your essay, use that information to lead the reader through your essay. You can even include a table of contents so that the reader has a guide to what they should expect in the essay. This approach can help you work toward reaching a common goal.The final way to assess the essay topic is to consider the readers' needs. Are they looking for general information? Or are they seeking details that will affect their lives?Remember that if you want to write a good essay, the essay topic should be the starting point for a more comprehensive strategy for communication between cultures. First, come up with a question or a theme that is specific to the culture you are working with. Then, draw your theme and in formation together into a cohesive whole to make your audience comfortable with your ideas.

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